About Me

In the late 70s and early 80s my grandmother devoted her life to family history research. As a result I have envelopes and envelopes of records that my grandmother collected over those 6 years. The amount of information she gleaned, the documents she acquired, the time she spent corresponding with cousins, and the small fortune she paid is enormous. However, she was driven by a love of her family and a desire to learn more of her past.

Surprisingly, I have felt that same desire to continue learning about my ancestors. Since I'm younger than your typical genealogist I have tried to use the internet and this blog to help organize my information and make it accessible to others who share my lineage. As custodian of my grandmother's information I've wanted my family to have the same access I do to my grandmother's records. I thought this would be the best way to do that.

My husband & I have three small children, ages 4, 3, and 1. We love being outdoors, working in our garden, rock climbing and hiking in the beautiful mountains of Utah. I love sharing with them little stories of their heritage.  Because of my young family, I haven't been able to devote my time to family history like I once did. My goal is to spend a couple hours every week updating and sharing the information I already have and the new information I'm finding.

If you have questions or have information on this family you'd like to share please e-mail me at myfamilylines@gmail.com.